Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Didn't Want to Say Anything Until I was Sure...

...But I'm going to Europe!!!!

Because yes, I felt like my training schedule wasn't challenging enough already : )

Anyways, as of two days ago, the new boy and I officially decided to head to the old country over the holidays for some fun in the snow. We will be there for Christmas and New Years (we're thinking New Years in Paris), but of course will be back in plenty of time for me to participate in the last insane rush before the Hawaii camp at the end of January. We're going to use Frankfurt (Germany) as our arrival and departure spot, then buy unlimited train passes when we get there. Then we'll go on to France, Belgium, Italy and Austria before we spend the last week or so in Germany. I. Am. So. Excited. Because I hear snowshoeing can be good run training - right?

I haven't been to Europe in 4 years and I can't wait to go back - both of us have been before (Ken actually lived in Germany for 2 years while he was in the service), so we have a pretty good idea of where we want to go and what we want to do. Of course, he is way more familiar with all of it than I am, so I be getting a tour guide as well. (A cute one who actually likes Americans).

So now I'm putting all of my extra money into savings so I'll be ready come December.

...Except for the money I'll be spending when we go to the DMA this weekend : ) And when I pay Ahmed to destroy me in the gym. And when I buy a super cute new coat for the trip. And gloves and boots. What? It's going to be cold...

I wonder how they say good bye in German...

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