Monday, November 1, 2010

November Already?

How is it already November? I feel like August just happened, and now Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Not that I'm not excited, but time is moving so fast! As it does, when you're having fun : )

Training went so well last week - some of my swims got cut short, but otherwise I did everything religiously, and even logged my nutrition for a day! Pretty amazing. Aaron has me riding up lots of hills on my bike, and this week we start doing weights again - yay! I'm ready to get my six pack and my triceps back, thanks very much. I'll do weights on my own this week to prepare for doing them with Ahmed (eek) next week. Time to get on the pain train. I'm starting to feel a little more confident about Worlds - back in September, I thought, you know, I'll just go to say that I've been and to visit China, but now, well, who knows? I've honestly been doing better with my training than I expected to, and if my body can handle the recovery aspect then maybe I'll see some big results by next year... How absolutely amazing would it be to podium at a world championship? I hardly even want to think about it because I don't want to jinx anything! But let's just say that I'm going to set my sights high.

I've also been having a lot of fun with my new training partner (Ken) over the weekend - we went to the movies, the DMA, a new Dallas restaurant (funny story there but you'll have to ask me in person - it isn't for general consumption), and to Le Peep on Sunday morning (which I think is now officially our Sunday breakfast spot because, well, it's awesome and they serve breakfast late). Tomorrow we're getting together to plan our Europe trip - I'm so excited. I've already bought a new coat and everything. (For the trip, not for tomorrow night). It's going to be an amazing adventure. This weekend, we're going camping (Jake is coming along, too) somewhere TBD in Oklahoma (Ken's responsible for figuring that out - I'm just providing the transportation). Then Sunday night is the Playtri coaches end-of-year get-together at Ahmed and Staci's house.

For those of you who haven't gotten to meet him yet... make sure you come to the Bronda's Du on November 14 because we'll be there doing our first race together! We're going to relay - he's doing the runs and I'm doing the bike. He thinks he's going to carry our team, but obviously he is sadly mistaken. I don't want to crush his spirit beforehand, though.

Tonight, I have to squeeze in a bike ride before a) the sun goes down and b) I have to coach the UNT guys and girls. Really, it all depends on the rush hour traffic. Which isn't really something you can depend on, per se, so I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Hopefully the traffic gods will smile on me. (This has not proved to be the case in the past, however, so everyone please keep your fingers crossed that I actually get to train today). Either way, it's going to be a loooong day. I'll be getting done just in time to go to bed - which is just fine with Chuck because all he sees me as is a giant, food-dispensing pillow anyways. Cats have it so good.

Adios, amigos

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