Friday, October 22, 2010

Life = Awesome. Training = Fail.

Alright, so here it is, my first week of serious backsliding. That didn't take long! I guess two good, solid weeks was success enough for the first round. Definitely better than I've done in a while. And it's not that I've lost my motivation... just my free time. You see, a number of awesome things have happened in the past 7 days:

-Started working full time for Ahmed and Staci - no benefits, but the pay is great!
-Partnered with Jeanne to organize the DFW Triathlon Year End Celebration for last night.
-Started seeing a totally awesome guy who I kind of want to spend lots and lots of time with.

Wait... what? Yes, I met someone and he seems pretty wonderful, his name is Ken and he has a golden retriever named Jake, and that's all I'm saying here because otherwise he'll somehow end up reading this and I'll be totally embarrassed.

So anyways, between work, other Playtri duties, and spending time with Ken, training has suffered since this week started. It's been 5 days aaaand I've already missed 3 workouts. Really not so great. Not to mention my noble "no more alcohol" goal totally went out the window at the Year End Celebration last night after I had a three hour panic attack leading up to the party. Trust me, you would have had a cocktail too. Oh, and I've been to McDonald's about 5 times this week. I know. It's pretty pathetic. I'm going to a world championship and I'm training like a college student. WTF?

But, Monday will be a new week and I WILL get back on track. And tomorrow Ken and Jake are going to do my hour run with me, so there's no getting out of that one. I have a feeling that Jake is going to make me work for it. I'm supposed to swim today and tomorrow, too, so everyone keep your fingers crossed that that happens - especially today since I'm still hungover and exhausted after last night and all I want is dinner and a movie, and maybe some love from a spastic golden retriever. (Which, coincidentally, I will be getting later on... ha!).

I've spent most of today downing coffee and trying to stay awake enough to function at work - we're in the process of applying for a new certification from USAT that is going to take some work, but will definitely be worth it. We're still in the proposal process right now, but hopefully things will move quickly - that is, if the administrative assistant gets her 6th cup of coffee and starts writing.

: )

Later gators

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