Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Movin' on Up... To the South Side!

Well, it's official - as of Monday, February 7th, 2011, I am officially a DALLAS-ITE! I never thought I would be so excited to say that. But I am! My new apartment is huge, and backs right up to White Rock Lake, with my own private (well, at least I only share it with other apartment residents) running trail to access the lake and parks. I have a gas-powered fireplace, gigantic bathtub, and a kitchen that makes my last kitchen look more like a closet! Oh, and let us not forget the parking garage, 24 hour fitness center, and beautiful pool. Living in ghetto Denton student apartments for 7 years will make you appreciate all of these things. I feel like a grown-up!

More importantly, I am now only 5 minutes from work, meaning no more I-35 marathon commutes, and more time to work, train, relax, and just live life - instead of listening to talk radio. At the end of 2010 I sat down with Aaron (my coach) and Ahmed (my boss) to go over my coaching goals for 2011. That's right - just like Playtri athletes have to do their athlete goals and commitments every year, Playtri coaches have to do their coaching goals and commitments every year. And at Ahmed's encouragement, my number one commitment was:

1. Move to Dallas.

Cross that off the list baby!! I had a 6:00 AM weights workout with Ahmed this morning, and it was utterly glorious to roll out of bed at 5:30 AM - and still be right on time! And I even had time for breakfast before I left! Breakfast in front of a roaring fire in my beautiful fireplace!

Life is goooood.

Now, ok, obviously moving is work, and 6 straight hours of it (not counting the commuting time) yesterday definitely left me with some aches and pains. At one point during weights I literally thought my left trap was going seize up and refuse to move. But as I said, it was totally worth it - and, of course, I had my sweet boyfriend helping me all day, so that made it much easier. I couldn't have done it without him.

So anyways, I'll be in a world of hurt when I wake up tomorrow, but at least I'll be waking up to sunshine and trees outside my window, knowing that work is only a painless 5 minute drive away. Completely, 100% worth it.

Want to come see the new place? Give me a ring and I'll have the wine/beer/soda ready!

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