Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back from the Island

I got into Dallas at about 7:00 AM yesterday - my awesome boyfriend picked me up from the airport, and we went to breakfast before he dropped me off so he could go study. My house was a wreck when I got home - I can't believe I left it so messy - and Chuck was overwhelmingly glad to see me. It's nice to feel loved.

My only workout for yesterday was a run with hill repeats in the middle - I got that done, no problem, though it did reveal to me that I need a serious massage after all the riding we did last week. My IT bands and abductors are ti-ight. I had to walk two of the uphills just to keep things loose. But it was great to be out there running - and the one thing I definitely wasn't missing about Kona was the extreme heat and humidity! The classic "Texas winter" weather was feeling spectacular yesterday, and my workout was accompanied by minimal sweat. After the run, I cleaned up the house (well, somewhat - it's hard to keep things clean when you're getting ready to move), went grocery shopping, dropped Tex off at The Bicycle Path for a much-needed tune-up, and made a delicious and healthy chicken-and-white-bean soup with butternut squash and green onions for Ken and myself. I also got some work done on the computer, and coached a weights workout for the UNT athletes - all-in-all an extremely fun and productive day!

Had to be up early this morning to get to work - I can't wait to be done with that commute, only one more week until the big move! After work, I'll be hitting the pool for an hour before I go home to try and get some more packing done, and hopefully see my good-looking boyfriend once he is out of class.

I always miss Hawaii when I leave, but it is good to be home.

Aloha (last one, I promise)

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