Friday, January 21, 2011

Side Road to Kona

What a week. Coaching the Playtri Hawaii camp this past week was more challenging and more amazing than I could ever have expected. In all seriousness, I never fully "got" the Kona thing until now, but being here, and swimming, biking, and running on the world championship course, right next to famous pro triathletes, was one of the most inspiring experiences of my life. I don't even know how to explain the way it rejuvenated my passion for the sport, even beyond what I returned from the holidays with. It's like I remembered the myth of triathlon, got back in touch with the things that used to inspire me.

In fact, I loved it so much, I decided to stay an extra four days so I could do some training myself. So I rented a condo for $65 a night (the same condo, by the way, that Chrissie Wellington stayed in the first year she won the Hawaii Ironman - true story) right on Ali'i drive across from the ocean, and I intend to spend the next four days running, swimming, doing yoga, and lying on the beach. And eating and sleeping. All by myself, no work, no snow, no crazy cat (even though I love my Chuck to death), and no distractions. The only distraction I wish that I could have here is Ken... but I'll just have to wait until I get home for that distraction.

: )

But right now, I'm sitting on the patio at Lava Java, watching the sun set over the Pacific ocean, drinking Kona Big Wave Ale with some awesome athletes (and people). Learning that one of our middle-aged male athletes is a devoted Lady Gaga fan. Planning my open water swim for tomorrow morning. Hoping to run into Chris Lieto again...

I feel very, very fortunate this week. I know I have to remember to appreciate how lucky I am to have a job that I love that allows me to do what I love. I still have a lot to learn, but I could not be happier about where I am. Well... maybe I'll be even happier once the Playtri Youth/Dev program rolls out : ) But I think that if you had told me three years ago that I would be working in triathlon full time, I would have never dreamed that it would be possible. So I'm counting my blessings and hoping things just keep going as well as they have been - and that will be more than enough for me.

Aloha for now...

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