Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Hangover

Ok, so I may never eat again. Either that, or I am ready to begin my winter hibernation. I think I gained about 10 pounds in saturated fats and alcohol this weekend - who knew I would drink exponentially more with my family than I would as a young adult in Dallas?

Oh, yeah, and my training went absolutely to hell last week.

Aaron told me a few weeks ago to get all of my screwing around out of the way now, because the serious training for Worlds starts in January. So in case you've been wondering why my training blog for a world championship looks more like a bad example of a Biggest Loser contestant, there's your answer. Trust me, I know things have been, well, kind of a joke the last couple of months. My thought is that if I can become so mentally exhausted of laziness and poor eating habits that I just can't stand either one of them by the time the new year rolls around, I'll be in a great position to start what Coach Jeanne has affectionately referred to as "the nun plan" in January. Granted, I'll be ever so slightly behind physically, but for me, the correct state of mind is crucial for good training, so I'll take a setback early on, rather than burnout three months before the big race.

So anyways, Ken and I spent the last 4 or 5 days in Austin with the fam, eating and drinking way too much, and not really working out enough. We slept in, watched bad TV, napped with Lester the cat, and finished planning our trip to Europe (when we weren't surrounded by family and food). It was a completely lazy and wonderful vacation and I loved every second of it. Our evenings were on a set itinerary - Thursday was Thanksgiving Dinner, Friday was Cheese Fest (classier than it sounds), Saturday was Trattoria Lisina at the Mandola winery, and Sunday was Chili and Movies Night. We had free, delicious food and expensive wine every night we were there - though by Sunday, I had about had it with the eating and drinking, and all I really wanted was a giant bottle of Tums. Ken and I spent one night just laying around and listening to the interesting sounds our stomachs were making. But it was still a great time, and so relaxing.

We drove back yesterday, and I spent last night catching up on work and putting up my small (but still real!) Christmas tree in the living room, and forcing Chuck to pose for pictures in his Santa costume. (He is sooo glad I'm home...). We stopped at the Collin Street Bakery for fruit cake on the way, so of course in addition to my already substantial over-eating from last week, I have a heavy chunk of candied fruit, butter, nuts and eggs to eat my way through as well. But I'm not complaining. And then Thursday is the Denton Wassail Fest... I love the holidays.

Now I just need to work off last week's over-indulgence in time for the weekend...

1 comment:

  1. That's why you train... so you can eat all you want at Thanksgiving! I'm sure all the food and alcohol you consumed will come off with all the serious training you will begin doing soon! Miss ya girl!
