Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm Back!

...Oh wait. So I never actually left. I've just been ridiculously busy.

In fact, I am typing this at the Starbucks by SMU in between coaching my newest youth athlete and swim practice with DAM.

The exciting news is that the Playtri Performance Center is officially OPEN for business - what this means is that I've basically been living there for the past week and a half. So blogging hasn't exactly been a top priority. Which means it's time to play catch up, so here's the digest.

1. Buck and I are doing awesome - over a month and still having a blast.
2. Oh yeah, and I met his family.
3. I learned how to shoot a semi-automatic pistol (and I hit the target!).
4. I placed 10th overall and 1st in my division at the Independence 5K two weekends ago.
5. I finally got my Team USA gear (yay!) then raced in it and got massive bike seat chafing (boo!!).
6. I placed 3rd overall and 1st in my division at the Iron Brothers Sprint last Sunday.
7. Chuck is feeling wildly neglected - I've sunk to bribing him with chicken and beef bits.
8. I got my itinerary for Beijing!
9. I joined Team CMT to support my athlete Joyce, who has a form of muscular dystrophy known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT).
10. I paid off a bunch of traffic tickets.
11. I have the Disco sprint tri this weekend, and next weekend I go to Houston get my visa.

So basically, life is crazy, but good. And thanks to its proximity to the new Performance Center I've been eating at Fuzzy's Tacos at least once a day.

And that's pretty much it.

In a nutshell. : )

Happy training everybody

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